Sunday, 29 July 2012

Yet another visit to the nature reserve today. Got to play with a 1d mk 4 as well thanks Gordon. Anyways yet again the kingfisher made an appearance so ofc I had to get some more photos of him enjoy. You can see the new photos here

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Went back to the nature reserve again today....and was rewarded for my patience with yet another kingfisher sighting. i Still get excited when i see this bird even though i wouldn't call myself a "twitcher". They are simply one of the most stunning of our native birds to see...well in my opinion anyway :) hope you enjoy

you can see the rest of the pictures on my website Here

Also there are two new pages on my website, as some may have noticed.... a links page and more importantly an equipment page......the equipment page is where i will be posting reviews on what equipment i have. This is still work in progress so keep an eye out on the site

Monday, 16 July 2012

Well, after months of searching i went out with a good friend of mine yesterday to a local area reserve in search of the elusive common kingfisher.Why are they called "common" i'll never know as they are anything but haha. Whilst waiting for three and a half hours for said kingfisher to make an appearance we also spotted woodpeckers, goldfinch (which i am informed that collectively are know as a "charm of goldfinches")and various other avarian delights. Finally after three and a half hours... and a move to the other hide this chap landed 5.5 mtrs away. How do i know it was 5.5 mtrs? because my lens could only just focus on her.

for more photos click Here

(click on the image for a full size image)